Animation Block Party
Animation Block Party is a yearly animation film festival in New York City, usually held in late July. The first edition of this festival took place in 2004. There were no Animation Block Party juried awards in 2004, but starting on February 14, 2005, the festival began holding awards for participating animators.
The Animation Block Party festival showcases all genres of work from filmmakers from all over the world, ranging from Israel to Japan to France, Canada, Brazil and Greece. Entries from the United States have come from all over the map as well, illustrating the diverse range of work that Animation Block Party exhibits.
Festival judges have included Howard Beckerman, Jeffrey Scher, Emily Hubley, Dan Haskett, JJ Sedelmeier, Biljana Labovic, Amy Steinberg, Doug Crane, Irra Verbitsky, Peter Sluskza, London Squared, Mike Lapinski, and Crankbunny.
February 2005 ABP winners:
- Best in Show: Willis Sillim's Tall Tale - Steffen Vala
- Music Video: Easy - Fin Film
- Original Design: Tuesday Kissing - Melissa MacAlpin
- Student Film: Lovers Supplant - Norma V. Toraya
- Computer Animation: Love Me, Love Me, Love Me - Marina Gioti, Dimitris Ladopoulos
- One-Minute Movie: In The Loins of Spring - Avid Cyclist Crew
September 2005 ABP winners:
- Best in Show: The Backbrace - Andy and Carolyn London
- Music Video: IROC-Z Song - Nylon Motion
- Original Design: Body Splash - Greg Condon
- Student Film: Marvelous, Keen Loony Bin - Lizzi Akana
- One-Minute Movie: The Hour - Kyle Baker
- Audience Award: Binge and Purge – Ben Meinhardt
July 2006 ABP winners:
- Best in Show: The Wraith of Cobble Hill - Adam Parrish King
- Music Video: Don't Fuck with Love - Rachel McIntosh and Jim Starace
- Original Design: Coburn - Anton Bogaty
- Student Film: Reflection Of Self - Becki Halloway
- One-Minute Movie: Fowl Play - Tyler Schroeder
- Experimental: Colour Bars - Timothy Moore
- Computer Animation: Moongirl - Henry Selick
- Narrative Short: Guide Dog - Bill Plympton
- Documentary: McLaren’s Negatives - Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre
- Audience Award: Unfair - Ian Jones-Quartey
July 2007 ABP winners:
- Best in Show: Lost in Snow - Vladimir Lesciov
- Music Video: Me-I - Mixtape Club and Daniel Garcia
- Original Design: Zoologic - Nicole Mitchell
- Student Film: Hedgehug - Dan Pinto
- One-Minute Movie: Legend of Cranky Verne by Laika
- Experimental: Phantom Canyon - Stacey Steers
- Computer Animation: A Faery’s Tale - Sylvia Apostol
- Narrative Short: How She Slept at Night - Lilli Carre
- Documentary: When I Grow Up - Michelle Meeker
- Audience Award: Snake - Becky James
July 2008 ABP winners:
- Best In Show: Pearce Sisters by Luis Cook
- Original Design: Muto by Blu
- Computer Animation: Operation Fish by Jeff Riley
- Experimental Film: Trepan Hole by Andy Cahill
- Music Video: Last Time In Clerkenwell by Alex Budovsky
- Narrative Short: Einsteins Riddle by Gina Kamentsky
- Student Film: In The Beginning by Choom
- Minute Movie: Flower Sound Cartoon by Phil Dubrovsky and Dale Hayward
- Documentary Short: ECT — The Story of Two Women by Laura Piraino
- Audience Award: I Live In The Woods by Max Winston
July 2009 ABP winners:
- Best In Show: Ergo by Geza M. Toth
- Original Design: Parasol by Webster Crowell
- Computer Animation: Tin Can Heart by Rod March
- Experimental Film: Singles by Rebecca Sugar
- Music Video: The Dragon's Claw by Robert Bruce
- Narrative Short: I Am So Proud of You by Don Hertzfeldt
- Student Film: Topi by Arjun Rihan
- Minute Movie: Notebook Babies by Tony Dusko
- Documentary Short: Southern Exposure by Susan Chien
- Audience Award: Chicken Cowboy by Stephen Neary
July 2010 ABP winners:
- Best In Show: Old Fangs - Adrien Merigeau, Ireland
- Original Design: Paper Daydream - Jun Iwakawa, United Kingdom
- Computer Animation: Urs - Moritz Mayerhofer, Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Experimental Film: Pink Spray Paint - Carly White, ENSAD, France
- Music Video: Spacious Thoughts - Fluorescent Hill, Montreal, Canada
- Narrative Short: Bygone Behemoth - Harry Chaskin, California
- Student Film: Always Only Ever - Barbara Benas, CCAD
- Minute Movie: How to Lose Weight in 60 Seconds - Dave Carter, Australia
- Documentary Short: Perista - Kim Weiner, RISD
- Audience Award: Death Buy Lemonade - Kyu-bum Lee, Sheridan
July 2011 ABP winners:
- Best In Show: The Eagleman Stag - Mikey Please / United Kingdom
- Original Design: The Wonder Hospital - Beomsik Shimbe Shim / Los Angeles
- Computer Animation: Meu Medo - Murilo Hauser / Brazil
- Experimental Film: Terra Firma - Ted Wiggin / RISD
- Music Video: Reloaded - Marieke Verbiesen / Norway
- Narrative Short: The Quiet Life - Timothy Hittle / San Francisco
- Student Film: Metro - Jake Wyatt / BYU
- Minute Movie: Bleu - Mike Bentz / Sarah Lawrence
- Animation for Kids: Bridge - Ting Chian Tey / Academy of Art
- Audience Award: Craft - Mari Jaye Blanchard / Brooklyn
Animation Block Party also has a production wing division called Animation Block. In 2008, Animation Block produced the series "Perfectland" for MTV, which premiered on April 22, 2008. In 2009, Animation Block produced the series "Breakfast" for the Sundance Channel. Also in 2009, Animation Block produced a 28 episode web series for My Damn Channel.
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