Animation Block Party

Animation Block Party is a yearly animation film festival in New York City, usually held in late July. The first edition of this festival took place in 2004. There were no Animation Block Party juried awards in 2004, but starting on February 14, 2005, the festival began holding awards for participating animators.

The Animation Block Party festival showcases all genres of work from filmmakers from all over the world, ranging from Israel to Japan to France, Canada, Brazil and Greece. Entries from the United States have come from all over the map as well, illustrating the diverse range of work that Animation Block Party exhibits.

Festival judges have included Howard Beckerman, Jeffrey Scher, Emily Hubley, Dan Haskett, JJ Sedelmeier, Biljana Labovic, Amy Steinberg, Doug Crane, Irra Verbitsky, Peter Sluskza, London Squared, Mike Lapinski, and Crankbunny.

February 2005 ABP winners:

September 2005 ABP winners:

July 2006 ABP winners:

July 2007 ABP winners:

July 2008 ABP winners:

July 2009 ABP winners:

July 2010 ABP winners:

July 2011 ABP winners:

Animation Block Party also has a production wing division called Animation Block. In 2008, Animation Block produced the series "Perfectland" for MTV, which premiered on April 22, 2008. In 2009, Animation Block produced the series "Breakfast" for the Sundance Channel. Also in 2009, Animation Block produced a 28 episode web series for My Damn Channel.

External links